Saturday 7 July 2012

So what happened to June?

June's been a busy month and I haven't got round to posting anything. Very remiss of me. A quick recap (reading my facebook and twitter posts) suggests that I watched the Jubilee boat pageant (a very wet weekend on the Thames for some) and watched a lot of Euro 2012 football.

In between all that lounging around on the sofa, I did manage to take some photos of a Circumzenithal Arc on 10th June. Apparently these are very rare, but we were sat in the garden when Sonia looked up and spotted it. I grabbed the camera and took some pics. Here's the best one...

rainbow 01

And on 16th June we went over to Leicester to meet our niece Lilly Gill. Who was a quiet little bundle considering she was only a few weeks old and was being passed around to aunts, uncles, her sister Molly and her cousin Lauren.

We were with my nephew Edward when he got his degree result, a 2:2 in English and Creative Writing, so he should have no trouble filling in job application forms...

We also managed some book shopping to prepare for our holiday in Edinburgh. I bought the new Ben Aaronovitch novel "Whispers Underground", and the new Christopher Brookmyer "When The Devil Drives" featuring the private detective Jasmine Sharp who I first encountered in his previous book "Where The Bodies Are Buried". So that's humorous wizardry in the Met police and "tartan noir" for my relaxing holiday reading...I am waiting for the publication of the new Jasper Fforde "The Woman Who Died A Lot" (aka TN7) which is due out on 12th July.

So that was most of June. We headed off to Edinburgh at the end of the month, and I'll write that up as a holiday blog as usual, once I've processed the 859 photos...

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